About the Independent ICT Industry Committee

The Committee brings together companies and organizations operating in the information and communication technology sector that are interested in maintaining and developing a competitive environment and creating conditions for the development of the digital industry in the Czech Republic.

The purpose of the association is therefore to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable development and to emphasize the principles and rules of free competition within the European Union.

The basic activity of the association is to represent its members in relation to state authorities in the development of rules and legislation relating to the regulation of business in electronic communications.

Establishment of the Independent ICT Industry Committee:

The Committee was established in January 2016. The establishment was prompted by the situation in Czech telecommunications at that time and also by the following topics, which the Independent ICT Industry Committee decided to address at the time of its establishment:

The business environment in the ICT market in the Czech Republic presents itself as a two-track system. There are a few large companies operating in the ICT sector, which are generally given a lot of space. In addition, there are many independent entities that contribute significantly to the functioning of the telecommunications and IT market and which should be considered as indispensable given their market shares and number of customers.

Independent operators are concerned to maintain a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable development and to emphasise the principles and rules of the European Union, which contribute to the development of business across European countries. These are therefore issues that we often see neglected today, with short-term objectives and particular interests being promoted.

The Committee's primary task is therefore to ensure, as far as possible, the professional capacity and access to relevant interest representation for those in the ICT industry who would otherwise find it difficult to access these resources, but who are also interested in playing an active role in the development of competition in the sector and in contributing to the promotion of European principles and principles.  The platform brings together experts who share a common vision for the development of the digital economy and, not least, for the development of truly next generation networks.

The challenges that our Committee wants to face are, in particular, the development of next generation networks in the Czech Republic, the promotion of broad competition and, more generally, the protection of the market from insensitive interference by state regulation, the allocation of public support for activities falling within the ICT field, the management of radio spectrum, the removal of difficulties in the construction of electronic communications networks, the principle of technological neutrality or the doctrine of level playing field.

Membership of the Independent ICT Industry Committee

The Committee is open to new members, which may be legal or natural persons or associations of legal or natural persons. Detailed information for those interested in membership can be found here.

Documents of the Independent ICT Industry Committee

A list of all documents and forms of the Independent ICT Industry Committee, such as the Constitution, Application for Membership, etc. can be found here.

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