Focus of the Independent ICT Industry Committee

What the committee deals with

The Committee is open to new members, which may be legal or natural persons or associations of legal or natural persons. Find out details on how to apply for membership and what it brings you.

Grant support

The Grant Working Group is a partner of the state in the preparation of grant programmes for calls in the field of ICT and provides members with information on upcoming calls. 


Our domain is regulation in the Czech Republic and the European Union at the level of international institutions. Legislation, recommendations, expert groups. We are a commenting point.


We bring together companies and organizations operating in the information and communication technology sector that are interested in maintaining and developing a competitive environment and creating conditions for the development of the digital industry.

Support for construction

We cooperate with state and public authorities in matters related to the construction of NGA/NGN infrastructure. We help connect the private and public sectors to make cooperation successful.

Collective management of copyright

We cooperate and negotiate terms with media houses and collective administrators

News and activities of the Committee

Press releases, news, recommendations, training, workshops, conferences

The Association Committee of Independent ICT Industry brings together ICT entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic and focuses mainly on the issues of small and medium-sized enterprises. Our main objective is to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable development, with an emphasis on the principles and rules of free competition within the European Union.

For its members, the association primarily represents cost savings on activities related to the relationship with state and public authorities. In addition to the cost savings, the Association searches for, processes, analyses and actively influences the development of legislation for its members and issues recommendations on measures resulting from the legislation with emphasis on the high expertise of its representatives. The Society supports the educational activities of its members, as well as the training of future ICT professionals.

The Society is active in the media and contributes to the reputation of its members and their business segments.

The activity areas of VNICTP z.s. are divided into basic thematic areas addressed in working groups, which are further divided according to specific shorter-term tasks. Each thematic area has its own working group leader. Members of the association are free to join the working groups. The working group leader has the right to invite a non-member of the association to join the working group on an exceptional basis if his/her professional background allows it.

The basic thematic areas are:

A) Facilitating the construction and development of ICT infrastructure.

From cooperation on the creation of standards (legal and technical) to communication with the authorities involved in creating an environment suitable for a responsible business environment. VNICTP establishes cooperation and expert support for the development of digital infrastructure. VNICTP is an expert and partner of associations of municipalities and regions, acts as an advisory body to central government authorities and regulators, and is an active representative of its members to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic on the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation.

B) Regulation and European regulation.

The new European regulatory framework (European Electronic Communications Code) and the resulting recommendations for members. VNICTP z.s. monitors and influences developments at national and European level. For our members we process information on developments, intentions and prepare general recommendations for the internal implementation of these regulations. With its recommendations, the association covers areas ranging from consumer protection issues, data collection and communication with BEREC or other European bodies, to possible restrictions on access to the Internet (legal blocking, gambling, data retention and other, e.g. sanctions regulations). In cooperation with economic partners, it also raises issues concerning rules for data storage and the operation of information society services. Issues of the single market, open access to competition and European content regulation are among the topics addressed.

The activities of the association's members are influenced by regulation by the CTU and the Office of the Competition Authority, and by the activities of other government bodies. The association actively represents its members before these authorities. It monitors the activities of regulatory authorities for its members, represents them in working groups, prepares relevant outputs and analyses the regulatory activities of these authorities.

C) Cybersecurity.

The incoming regulations in the field of ICT cybersecurity stem not only from the need to transpose European directives and regulations, but also from national regulations, the regulatory framework for cybersecurity is completely changing. VNICTP actively influences, processes and communicates emerging regulation by working with regulators, in particular NUKIB and CTU. In 2023 and beyond, the VNICTP is becoming the state's partner chamber for cybersecurity, actively preparing its members to take regulatory action. The VNICTP's overarching goal in the area of cybersecurity is to emphasize self-regulation in areas where direct regulation is not necessary and to strengthen the emphasis on areas of self-regulation. It acts as an expert partner to its members in self-regulation.

D) Collective Management of Copyright, Media and IPTV.

Influencing laws and standards directly affecting digital electronic communications media services such as IPTV services. VNICTP works with its members on the issue of Triple Play services. This issue includes the distribution of IPTV and the related legal environment. VNICTP monitors copyright law and its changes in the Copyright Working Group. One of the topics of the working group is active negotiations regarding broadcasting licenses and negotiations with media houses. The working group has an overlap into the area of PS regulation and information society services.

E) Wholesale access to fixed and mobile networks.

The consolidation of the mobile market in particular is a self-evident fact and therefore maintaining a competitive environment is dependent on providing fair terms and conditions for wholesale access to infrastructure for our members. VNICTP also represents the interests of its members in obtaining wholesale access to fixed network infrastructure and is a promoter of the concept of open access to infrastructure.

General activities include monitoring legislation, bringing intelligence, drafting, legal support and technical analysis.

F) Subsidies Working Group.

The VNICTP partners with the State in the preparation of grant programs for ICT challenges and brings members information on upcoming challenges. This does not necessarily mean that we absolutely agree with the announcement of public subsidy programmes, but if they are to be, let their terms and conditions be prepared with fairness in mind. The working group is divided into thematic areas to which you can subscribe.

G) Cybersecurity Working Group.

NIS2 and a national cybersecurity specialty called the Secure Supply Chain Mechanism.

Our association is the workhorse of the whole issue. It will be important to you because obviously you will be a regulated entity.

For regulated entities, we will become a chamber in the sense of NIS2, so we will be able to provide risk management and produce the relevant analysis - or assess it. For less regulated persons, we will become auditors, unless we have a conflict of interest.

We work with an extranet that allows members to work with documents and meeting reports. There are many reports on the VNICTP website that are not visible from the outside until you log in. We send out monthly activity reports.

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